Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Humane Animal Removal Can Benefit Your Home

Dealing with an animal problem can often be a headache. When you have found that an unwanted critter has made its way into your home, you will want to take care of it in a quick fashion. Unfortunately, a great deal of companies out there use practices that are less than humane. When you opt, instead, for an animal control company that utilizes humane methods, you are bound to see the difference. You do not have to be an animal rights advocate to see the advantages of using a humane animal removal company.

A good deal of companies out there use poisons and similar chemicals to lure and lull unwanted animals. While this is a practice that has been going throughout most of human history, there have been much simpler developments in recent decades. When you choose humane animal removal, you are ensuring that your home will not come into contact with any of these toxic substances. The products use to capture and kill animals can often prove deadly to humans as well, so it is a good idea to go for a company that will not jeopardize your family’s health.

In many cases, it is a lot cheaper to go for humane services. While the exact cost will depend highly on the problem you are dealing with, a good deal of humane services are inexpensive and have much more lasting effects. Killing an animal might seem like the best way to get rid of it once and for all, but it usually does not work out that way. Humane animal removal will eliminate the threat in your home without having to destroy the animal causing the problems.

There are many species of animal out there that are endangered, or at least protected by various governmental declarations. When you are trying to get rid of animals that have taken up residence in or around your home, you probably will not be too aware of the exact species that you are dealing with. If you wind up killing a protected animal, you could be in a great deal of trouble. Humane animal removal guarantees that you will not be harming a protected species, giving you peace of mind and keeping your home free of pests.

The decision to go for humane animal services can help you financially while simultaneously giving you the feeling that you have done something right. To understand exactly what to expect from these services it is a good idea to do some research into the topic. For more information on humane animal removal in Raleigh, visit this website.

The Tiny Dangers of Termites

Few insects can be as harmful to a home as termites. These tiny little pests are known for their penchant for wooden structures, and this can lead to other problems along the way. Here are a few reasons why you should have professionals come in at the first signs of a termite infestation.

Love the Taste

As stated, termites love wood. These bugs will eat away at wooden structures, as well as other materials, for years and years on end. While the damages might not be noticeable at first, the damage being done to your home is a nightmare. If termites are not dealt with, it could lead to irreversible damage to a home.

Tiny Pinches

For the most part, termites do not like to interact with humans. This makes sense, as they want to be able to eat your home without your involvement. Still, when provoked, a termite can cause a bit of a pinch. There are two different breeds of termites, the workers and the soldiers. Workers do not usually bite, or pinch, humans but soldier termites are known to attack if being handled by a human.

While they may not be coming for your, termites still pose a threat to the safety of your home. When you spot signs of an infestation, it is best to call the right professionals. Click here to learn more about termite removal in Garner.

Professional Control for Problematic Pythons

Pythons can grow quite large, but they do not produce venom. They live in hot, wet climates that allow their big bodies to stay warm. Still, you may not want to live with an unwanted python population, and the right pest control professional can safely and humanely help.

Play it Safe by Removing Wasps

Wasps are amazing creatures, but their place is in nature, not around your house. If you home’s exterior is plagued with wasps, it is important to remove them before they become a safety hazard to your family. Read on for the top reasons to remove wasps from your home.

1. Wasp stings are painful and can be deadly.

Wasps are aggressive, and are prone to stinging. Nobody wants to be stung by a wasp, but if someone who is allergic gets stung, the results can be very frightening.

2. Children shouldn’t play where wasps are present.

•    Kids don’t like to be confined indoors, especially in the spring and summer
•    To ensure that your yard is a safe place to play, eliminate wasps from your yard

3. What’s out may come in.

You may think wasps are harmless as long as they stay outside, but unless you never open your doors or windows, there’s a very good chance that they will find their way indoors. Once indoors, they become agitated while trying to escape. An agitated wasp is more aggressive than usual, and won’t hesitate to sting someone.

Removing wasps from your home to keep your family safe should be a top priority. Your pest removal company should be able to recommend a course of action. Visit this website to learn more about wasp removal.

Get Professional Help to Control Bee Populations

Bees are known not only for the rich honey and symmetrical honeycomb they produce, but also for their famously industrial nature. However, no matter what their assets, you may not want a hive living in close proximity to you. Call in a professional to help.

Dealing With Snakes in Your Yard

Ophidiophobia, or the fear of snakes, is ranked as one of the most prevalent fears among people. This stems back to the days when the human race had to fight much larger predators while simultaneously being aware of the hidden dangers that snakes and spiders possessed. Therefore, when a snake suddenly appears in your garden it can create panic.

Determining the Danger

Venomous snakes are a big concern for much of the world. Luckily, for the most part, a bite only occurs if the snake feels threatened. You may not be posing a threat, but it could give you peace of mind to get rid of the snake in your yard before it gets the chance to bite. While you might believe the best route would be to kill the snake, there are better solutions.

Catch and Release

Several animal control companies utilize humane practices. This means a snake caught on your property will not be killed but released into the wild in a safer way. The food chain is quite complicated, and to remove snakes entirely from the equation could lead to chaos. In order to keep the natural world in balance, it is important to relocate creatures like snakes, rather than killing them outright.

While you may not love the idea of a snake hiding out in your yard, removing the snake can be a simple process. Touch base with the right professionals and you will be able to better understand your options in this scenario. Click here to learn more about snake relocation in Cary.

Signs That Your Home Has Been Infested by Rats

Rats have a bad rap in life. This makes sense, as there are a number of moments throughout the course of history where rats have been responsible for widespread disease and panic. These days, rats do not pose the same threat that they once did, but they are no less appealing to have around. Here are a few ways that you can spot if your home has an unseen rat infestation.

Burrowing Holes

An easy way to spot a small infestation is by walking along the perimeter of your home and inspecting it for any kind of holes. Rats, and similar rodents, will often burrow down into a home by finding cracks or weak points in foundation.

Skittering Sounds

Rats are generally most active at night. If you are in bed and you hear the skittering of tiny feet in your home, you may be dealing with some rats. Since rats tend to dwell in areas of your home that are not frequented, be sure to check the attic and basement first.

Unpleasant Surprises

When you begin to notice teeth or chew marks on wooden structures in your home, it means rats are probably to blame. On top of this, you are likely to find droppings that the rats have left behind. This can create very unsanitary conditions in your home, so contact professionals immediately upon discovering this.

Rats may not be as dangerous as they had been in the past, but you still don’t want a home full of them. Click here to learn more about how you can take advantage of rodent removal in Garner.

Spencer Pest Brings Christmas Magic to Rally Kids

Spencer and her team at Spencer Pest Services is passionate about helping the fight and finding a cure for cancer and this holiday season... read more

Top Three Ways to Get Rid of Ants

If your home has been invaded by ants, getting rid of these little black bugs is probably your top priority. Each ant that crawls in is taking you one step closer to losing your sanity, not to mention your food supply. So what to do when ants invade? Read on for the top three ways to get rid of ants.

1. Deny entry.

Due to their miniscule size, ants can enter your home through the tiniest crack. They can also march right across the threshold of an open door. Keeping doors and unscreened windows closed is one simple way to reduce entry, but you’ll also need to fill in cracks located around other points of entry, such as the dryer vent.

2. Kill or repel.

The urge to purge is undeniable, and you don’t care what it takes to get rid of the little critters. There are many traps and sprays available in stores, some of which work, but repelling ants can be just as effective as killing them. Here are a few natural items that ants won’t cross:

•    Chalk, either drawn on surfaces or powdered and sprinkled
•    Citrus juice and peels, such as lemon and orange
•    Borax powder
•    Sulfur

3. Destroy the nest.

If you know where the ant nest is, destroying it permanently is a good option. Choose a method that is safe to humans and animals, such as hot water or vinegar poured down the opening.

Eliminating ants from your home should be fairly simple if you are persistent. For more information about ant control in Raleigh, visit this website.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Reasons You Don’t Want Rats in Your Home

The occasional mouse in your home is a little annoying but is easily ended with the snap of a trap. Rats are a different story, and not just because they’re larger. These cousins of the common mouse are cause for concern for many reasons, including:

•    Diseases spread through droppings
•    Infections spread by rat fleas
•    Illnesses spread by rat bites or scratches

Rat Droppings

Rats themselves can spread diseases in many ways, including via their droppings or saliva. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) can infect people when they breathe the in virus via aerosolized air. It’s rare but potentially deadly.

Rat Fleas

People can be infected by Murine Typhus when bitten by fleas that have already bitten rats. Rats in humid or tropical environments are particularly at risk for this disease. It’s a world-wide problem and the easiest way to prevent the illness is with rodent control inside and outside your home.

Rat Bites and Scratches

Rat-bite fever (RBF) is a bacterial infection spread by a scratch or a bite. Ingestion of water or food contaminated with rat droppings can also cause the illness. This causes an especially large risk to families with children who may try to pet animals they see or put things in their mouth. To learn more about rodent control in Mountain View, visit this website.

Not in the House!

The last place you want pests, rodents and unwanted animals is in your home. They can cause property damage, bring destruction to your home and can carry harmful diseases. It’s important to prevent infestations, but sometimes professional services are needed.